Monday, June 30, 2008

Book of Life

The second conversation with Carter came at a conference our family was at. He came up to me and said, "Daddy, I'm sad". So of course, I asked him, "why son?".

He responded, "My name isn't in the Bible...there is no Carter in the Bible." Again, warm gushy feelings are welling up in me as I share with him that he is right, there is no Carter in the Bible, but that his name...his full name and his REAL name is in another book that the Bible talks about. His name is in the Book of Life.

This all happened when we were helping send 12 teams of college students around the globe to share God's love with people...and it as such a great reminder that as cool as it is to be 'on mission', it is much more meaningful to know God personally and be in the Book of Life.

On the floor

I recently had a couple conversations with our son Carter that seemed to have a theological bent. the first was a conversation at the dinner table one night. Somehow dying came up as a topic [I think it sprung off a conversation about the movie Wall-E, cause Carter thinks he dies in the movie]...and Carter piped up that 'Because Jesus died on the cross for us, we don't have to die on the cross."

Now taken just as it is, my heart was warmed, I was stunned at his knowledge of who God is and what God has done for him, and amazed that at such a young age he could grasp all this.

Of course, in reality, Carter wasn't done with his thought and he continued... "so we will probably die in bed...or on the floor".