Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I’m not sure where to really start with this, so I will just jump in. I [Kyle] had a dream a couple years back that has really clarified my vision for reaching college students but have felt weird to share it for one reason or another.
In my dream, I was at a table with a large number [50 or more] college students. On the table was the most incredible feast you could imagine. Everything you would ever want to eat was on the table and we were having such a great time eating, laughing and gorging on this stuff.
After awhile, I stopped focusing on the table and looked around. This was easy since we were in a ‘room’ that had glass walls. We were in the middle of a campus surrounded by students, and again, I could see them all because our room was glass.
What I saw gives me chills to think about. Students wandering around. Emaciated students. Each one looked like they were from a concentration camp. Starving. But, not just that, they had no eyes. Just flesh covering where their eyes should be. Blind. Some students were kind of walking around, but some had fallen and some were apparently dead.
I remember feeling all kinds of things. Grateful that they couldn’t see us partying. Shocked at the discrepency between how they were living and how we [in the room] were living.
In the dream I tried getting the attention of the students I was with. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t get them to look away from the feast.
The dream ended with me grabbing a chair to break the glass.
There is so much for me to learn and remember from that dream. Just a few things include: -remembering how good we have it. We have so much when we have a relationship with God. It is literally a feast.
-we are called to break the glass. Get our eyes off each other, isolating ourselves from others and invite them into the feast.
-people are lost, starving, and blind. They are dying without Christ. They don’t even know it. Living like that is normal to them…they don’t see what they are missing.
-I am so grateful to be included in God’s plan to invite others to feast with Him. I can still remember what it feels like to be ‘outside’…and am thankful for the faith it took for a fellow student to invite me to the banquet table.

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